

Automate repetitive office work in tables

Manaflow is the simplest way to automate repetitive office work in tables using natural language. With one click, you can execute millions of tasks involving data transformation, gluing APIs, and taking actions with AI agents.Hey Product Hunt! 👋

I’m Austin, CEO & Co-Founder of Manaflow, and I'm excited to introduce Manaflow! Manaflow is the simplest way to automate repetitive office work in tables using natural language. With one click, you can execute millions of tasks involving data retrieval, gluing APIs, and taking actions with AI agents.

The Problem 💡

Small and mid-sized business (SMB) operators face the challenge of juggling countless spreadsheets, internal tools, and manual workflows. Throughout America, there are millions of office workers with spreadsheets open, where each column represents a step of a task and each row represents a case of the task. These processes are traditionally manual, time-consuming, and tedious.

Operators often think about automation, but current workflow builders are often too technical or complicated. Witnessing inefficiencies in gluing intermediary tools and barriers to automation led us to Manaflow, aimed at providing SMBs with the same level of automation capability that bigger corporations enjoy.

Today's operations managers program humans to do manual tasks. On Manaflow, these managers shift to programming AI agents instead, using English. Fleets of AI agents own end-to-end workflows, while we oversee them.

Introducing Manaflow 🌟

Manaflow’s interface is a spreadsheet where each column represents an instruction step in the workflow and each row corresponds to an AI agent executing a task. Each spreadsheet has a dependency graph to determine the execution order for each column in the workflow. With the click of a button, AI agents assigned to each row execute tasks in parallel, handling multi-step processes such as data transformation, API calls, content retrieval, and sending messages.

For example, one of our customers uses Manaflow to take in unpolished videos from Google Drive, watermark them with their logo, and email the final products to their clients — hundreds in one click of a button. In the past, they would open up Adobe to watermark each video manually and then manually send emails. Manaflow has cut their 20-hour weekly manual workflow down to minutes.

Internal tools and software are widespread across companies of all sizes today. On Manaflow, AI agents take over the operation of these internal tools, which is traditionally done by humans, and automatically update new states on admin dashboards with humans overseeing the process. The concept of internal tools will change forever with AI agents – instead of building physical internal tools, AI agents will automate processes end-to-end on one consolidated platform.

We're looking forward to hearing your feedback and helping you automate your repetitive processes! You can try out Manaflow for free on or book a call with us here!

Cheers, AustinLooks good. Who are your typical recurring product users ?Okay, Manaflow sounds really promising! A couple of quick questions -

  • Can it handle more complex workflows with multiple dependencies?

  • What's the max number of tasks it can automate in parallel?

  • Does it integrate with tools like Slack or Trello for updates?

Anyway, good luck with the launch!This is an impressive launch, Austin! Manaflow seems like a game-changer for SMBs. Automating workflows through a simple interface is a huge step forward. Excited to see how it evolves! #Upvote

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